Financial Services

Financial Services

Innovative, yet sound financial plans must evolve with changing demands

It’s no secret that financial challenges persist in the aviation industry. Airport executives must transform their airports to meet growing demands, but are faced with limited access to capital, uncertain government funding, and emerging technologies. Financial success is based on the right mix of operating efficiency, the cost of capital and its subsequent productivity, and an appropriate capital structure.

However, it’s not easy to figure out how to fund essential changes. The Franciscan Group’s highly qualified financial experts and analysts lead the aviation industry in knowledge and best practices to deliver the most cutting-edge fiscal strategies—reliable advice that withstands the toughest, most unpredictable economic conditions.


Financial Modeling

The Franciscan Group has extensive capabilities in financial strategy and airport fiscal operations, and is especially adept in anticipating and adapting to changing airport conditions. Based on airport growth, clients may find it necessary to change airport operational and accounting structures, modify airport use and lease agreements with airlines and other tenants, and introduce new and unplanned services. The Franciscan Group’s financial models incorporate various airport financial operational and airline rate-setting methodologies. The The team at the Franciscan Group team works with clients to select and implement the methodology to best meet each airport’s goals.


Feasibility Analysis

Feasibility studies may be conducted either in conjunction with large capital improvement projects or to address individual, specific needs. The Franciscan Group has vast experience in preparing all types of feasibility studies, including those for airport revenue and special facility revenue bonds. The Franciscan Group prepares bond feasibility study reports with essential data—demonstrating the ability of the airport to repay the proposed bonds with sufficient revenues to satisfy the covenants of the bond-enabling legislation.

Capital Programming

The Franciscan Group analyses and measures the financial impact of an airport capital improvement program (CIP) and its overall affordability by conducting detailed cost-revenue analyses. These analyses can be traditional cost-benefit analyses to apply for grants, or they can be geared to specific stakeholders to demonstrate, for example, how a project’s operational benefits justify the financial commitment. Additional analyses may be conducted to justify the CIP to key airport stakeholders—such as airlines, the FAA, airport board members, and other airport tenants.

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